Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 177

1. MJ putting on a show for me to the High School Musical soundtrack.

2. A long visit to the jumpy place with friends.

3. A lovely evening for cocktails with neighbors.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 176

I'm trying to look on the bright side, even though today brought an expensive refrigerator repair...

1. A husband who came home from work and did some cleaning.

2. The kids playing really well with an old race track of M's that they found in the basement.

3. A relatively quiet day since half of it was spent at home waiting for the repairman.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Days 172-175

I would really like to get back to these posts daily instead of lumping days at a time together, but here goes...

1. A day to myself - pedicure, shopping, lunch with my husband.

2. A beautiful wedding and a great time with old friends.

3. A swim, cookout, and lovely family evening with friends.

4. Window shopping with my husband.

5. A morning bike ride (that included a stop at Starbucks) with M.

6. Going out for a good family dinner.

Day 171

1. MJ's laughs while we played in the pool.

2. M & C having fun while making lots of progress in their swim lessons.

3. Grandma and Grandpa's arrival for a weekend visit.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 170

1. A morning at the pool when I was able to relax for a while since MJ was at a friend's house.

2. Playdates for everyone = happy children.

3. The best husband ever.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Days 165 - 169

The crazy, lazy days of summer keep leaving me too worn out to record my happiness each day. Here is a summary of the last several days...

1. A weekend visit from Nana.

2. A great babysitter on Friday night so we could enjoy some grown-up time with Nana at one of my new favorite restaurants.

3. A fun Pampered Chef party.

4. M's love for bike riding (I would love it more if we weren't in the middle of a big heat wave)

5. Great Dads - my kids and I both have them!

6. A lovely evening celebrating an old friend and her new wedding coming up this weekend.

7. Sex in the City 2 with a group of girlfriends.

8. My kids playing fairly well together since there isn't much scheduled right now.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 164

1. A cleaner house and clearer mind than I had at the beginning of the day.

2. Movie night for all, but me - I get to spend some time alone in my room.

3. MJ's puppet show.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 163

1. Kids having fun getting much-needed haircuts.

2. 1 on 1 time in the pool with MJ.

3. New possibilities.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 162

1. The rain to cool everything off, especially makes me happy since our air conditioner picked the hottest day so far this summer to quit working.

2. A very good meeting about wrapping paper sales for the upcoming school year. It was a good meeting because I picked the place (bookstore with a Starbucks and kids area since my kids were all along) and the rep for the company bought my latte.

3. A good excuse (for a change) to go out to dinner - no working AC.

4. M doing a great job practicing his karate.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 161

1. A successful dinner, make your own tacos, which was liked by everyone including M's friend.

2. Surviving the first of many days with no plans, the pool in 95 degree weather was a good filler for the day.

3. Catching up with an old friend who is now a new neighbor!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 158 - 160

The summer is exhausting so far, lots of happy thoughts though...

1. Friday night at the pool with family and friends.

2. Great pizza after Bible School for all of the volunteers.

3. A quick visit with my brother.

4. An hour by myself that included a quick trip to my favorite store - Finder's Keepers, a consignment boutique. Time alone is a rarity with the summer schedule.

5. Spending Saturday afternoon with my BFF. M played Wii while the girls ran around - the Mamas enjoyed mimosas.

6. Enjoying my dad's birthday party in my beautiful new skirt.

7. Lots and lots of little kids singing the song they learned in VBS last week at church, so very cute!

8. A quiet family afternoon at my aunt's beautiful pool.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 156 & 157

1. A trip to the book store & Whole Foods with my favorite little man.

2. Almost surviving the whole week of Vacation bible school.

3. A great babysitter.

4. A coyboy hat from Target - I know, it sounds like an oxymoron, but it's really cute.

5. Tired kids who are finally sleeping.

6. Plans with my brother for tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 154 & 155

The busy days of summer...

1. Seeing how much C loves the water

2. The chaos of Vacation Bible School

3. Lunch at Panerra once again

4. Glee

5. Ordering pizza for dinner at the pool, great way to spend the evening!

6. Great neighbors

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 151 - 153

The end of an amazing weekend spent in the mountains with my family and lots of friends at the annual reunion at my old camp...

1. Getting back to my favorite spot for a few days.

2. Seeing how excited my girls are about camp, hoping that will last until they are a little older and can be campers themselves.

3. Realizing (as my husband observed) that, yes, there is a song for EVERYTHING at camp and I know the words to all of them.

4. Shopping at the CJL mall for some camp "spirit wear" - the trading post has come a long way in the last 20 years.

5. Reconnecting with old friends.

6. A fabulous husband who indulged my trip down memory lane.

7. A husband who also insists that we get everything unpacked as soon as we get home. I didn't really want to do it, but I'm so glad that it's all done now.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 149 & 150

1. Crazy pool days, but a great way to spend the summer.

2. Grounded Kids yoga classes, my girls are so cute rolling out their mats.

3. A great Starbucks break with my kids.

4. Mountain of laundry - done!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 148

1. Glee - a great show

2. A great karate class for M, even after 3 hours at the pool.

3. 3 hours at the pool, another day of the summer routine.