Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 151 - 153

The end of an amazing weekend spent in the mountains with my family and lots of friends at the annual reunion at my old camp...

1. Getting back to my favorite spot for a few days.

2. Seeing how excited my girls are about camp, hoping that will last until they are a little older and can be campers themselves.

3. Realizing (as my husband observed) that, yes, there is a song for EVERYTHING at camp and I know the words to all of them.

4. Shopping at the CJL mall for some camp "spirit wear" - the trading post has come a long way in the last 20 years.

5. Reconnecting with old friends.

6. A fabulous husband who indulged my trip down memory lane.

7. A husband who also insists that we get everything unpacked as soon as we get home. I didn't really want to do it, but I'm so glad that it's all done now.

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